Bag products from Syam’s Handicraft Gallery in Pati, Central Java are indeed made from plastic waste materials. But, thanks to cool and up to date designs, these products were able to go International and penetrate the Japanese market!
Syamshandicraft.id – Who Say plastic waste products don’t sell well in the market? This is what is proven by Syams Handicraft Gallery from Pati, Central Java. The products are not Only sold in the local market, but until it went international, lo!
Syam’s Handicraft Gallery was founded by Syahrial Aman, graduated from Shipping Engineering Diponegoro University class of 2005 and his wife, Sri Indri Astuti, Undip Nursing graduate, class of 2005. They are indeed Deliberately looking for businesses where business actors are still few but have opportunities big. The choice was dropped on making goods from plastic waste.
“We started in 2018. Originally thought of making something from plastic waste. But over time we realized that the product can developed following the fashion of his time, “said Syahrial as reported from Ikaundip, (1/3/2021).
Not only sold in the local market, Syam’s Handicraft products in the form of bags with various sizes, models, and colors are sold in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Bali. In fact, thanks to digital marketing, the product has arrived to Japan!
“Yes, in 2020, it has successfully entered the Japanese market. There are our resellers who market around 1500 bags. Until now, it is still continuing,” said Syahrial.
Uniquely, the success of entering the market of the Land of the Rising Sun this was as ‘predicted’ when Syahrial and Indri chose the name of their business. Yep, the name Sham they chose from one of the suras in the Qur’an, namely Ash-Shams which means Sun. As it turned out, their products actually made it to the Land of the Sun Appear!
Getting Support from Local Government
The success of Syams Handicraft Gallery’s plastic waste business It turned out to get the attention of the local government. On Sunday (21/5/2023), Chairman of the Regional National Handicraft Council (Dekranasda) of Pati Regency Faiza Henggar and the Head of the Pati Regency Industry Office visited the business location in Beringin Village, Juwana sub-district.
“The woven bag crafts from here are beautiful, neat, and Elegant. No one thought that the bag was made from plastic waste material. Moreover, the sales have penetrated the Japanese market, “said Faiza as reported by inews, Tuesday (23/5).
Faiza also thanked Sham’s Handycraft gallery Because it has opened up job opportunities for local residents, especially the woman. He also assured that his party would continue to provide support to artisans in Pati to continue to compete in the local market and international.